Annual article summaries
Each year I have produced a summary of all the work I have done. You can read the best of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
Reading lists
I have published three compendia of dozens of my articles and presentations on key topics:
The new science and maths of quality attenuation.
The first (and only) technically accurate description of the net neutrality regulation issue.
The Think Tank is a collation of my general telecoms articles.
Major reports
Two reports that I was paid to write as consulting gigs are up in public:
The Stupid Network: A User Guide is an analysis of the “over the top” issue in a pre-iPhone era
The End of Information Technology: Introducing Hypersense & Human Technology was the result of a year-long research project
White papers
Connect, Interact, Transact is a prescient look at the future of customer interaction.
Slow Data versus Quick Data is an analysis of what goes where when you move to the cloud.
Performance and Supply Chain Management for the Software Telco examines what could go wrong and right with SDN/NFV.
Hypertext to Hypervoice - The next stage in collaboration on the Web is the original introduction to Hypervoice.
What is your voice privacy debt? Is a paper I wrote for CopyTalk.
Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy I co-wrote for the UK government.
Some of my key presentations include:
The perception gap: the barrier to disruptive innovation in telecoms
Beyond 'neutrality' - how to reconnect regulation to reality?
Conference presentation videos
Webinars and other video
Inevitably all the above is the result of many collaborations and the input of a multitude of other people.